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Today's Quote

“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Frugal Accomplishments- Week of March 22

Well this past week has not been real exciting. We did do a few things that saved us money in the long run, but not a lot of money at one time. Here goes though, glean what you can.

1. We had one veggie meal for supper...bean and cheese burritos.

2. We cooked one meal on the grill using no electricity for the evening....grilled rabbit and salad.

3. We butchered rabbits recently and so two meals this week came from the farm.

4. I made Swiffer sweeper pads for my sweeper that I use daily on the floors.

5. I picked baby greens in the garden to make a salad for supper.

6. I had not sent in my daughter's dual enrollment application just yet and lo and behold in my email I get a note with a code to use to be able to wave the application fee...I used it immediately. Saved 25.00.

7. Potatoes were on sale at the local small grocery store. I purchased 40 lbs for 8.00.

8. I turned the goats into the yard to graze and nibble, therefore cutting my hay useage for the day in half.

9. I put compost in one pasture and the chickens have been spreading it and working it in for me. Free fertilizer.

10. We had a fence that was made from landscape timbers that was falling down, so I am now taking it down to use in the garden for netting around the garden beds and to build a low fence around a portion of the garden. Hoping to be able to put pigs there.

11. I just started to be able to milk the two goats that kidded a couple weeks ago, so now I will be able to start making cheese, butter and yogurt!

That is about it. I am sure that I will have more soon as I am always looking to make our dollars stretch as far as possible. Blessings, Kat


katlupe said...

You have a very nice blog! I am coming here from Homesteading Families.

Kat said...

Thanks Kathleen. Good to see you here. We have been running into each other all over the net for years...cafemom, homesteading today and now homesteading families. Good to see you again. Blessings, Kat

Marmee's Pantry said...

Great accomplishments!

Blessings from Ohio, Kim<><

Kat said...

Hi Kim, Great to see you!