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“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Homesteader vs. Yuppie Environmentalist

I have debated for quite sometime about writing this post although it has been a pet peeve of mine for quite sometime now. There are two sets of environmentalists in this country and the newest one is driving me nuts. Let me explain fully before you get mad and decide to not visit my blog anymore. Lets talk about the "homestead" environmentalists first. Hoemstead environmentalism has been around ever since people have been depending on the land for their food. Farmers cared for the land because their life literally depended on it. The small family farmer still does that. It is only with the invention of corporate farming that farming got a bad rap. Traditional family farmers/homesteaders have always cared for the land and their environment and their resources. Typically these people have been conservative in their use of natural resources and been conscious of their waste. Traditional homesteaders have traditionally not been wasteful, finding a use and reuse for everything. You don't have to have land and property or to even really farm to be a traditional homesteader. It is the way that you perceive your life that makes a traditional homesteader. I have met these people who live on a city lot and they reduce, reuse, and recycle just because that is what they do. They will grow a small garden or a few tomatoes just because. They don't do these things because someone tells them too or because it is the latest trend and they apply these principals to their whole life, not just one aspect of it. So whether one lives on 100 acres or a small city lot they can still fall into the category of being the traditional homesteading environmentalist. Now, who are the yuppie environmentalists and why do they get my goat so badly. This environmentalist is such only because it is trendy. They are the kind that have a 5 bedroom home, heated and cooled, with large spa bathtubs in their 3 bathrooms. The problem is that only 2 people live in this huge energy consuming, water wasting household. However, they proclaim their environmental stewardship because the wood for their doors came from sustainable forests. For one all forest are sustainable, it is called re-planting! Second, if that wood had to be shipped from halfway across the world then it really wasn't all that environmentally friendly because of the transportation. The yuppie environmentalist fills their perfectly landscaped yard with water consuming useless grass and high maintenance plants, and then spend a fortune at the grocery store on "organic" produce that had to be shipped thousands of miles to get to that grocery store. A yuppie environmentalist recycles only when the city will pick it up at the curb and rarely do they reuse something. So anyway, I think I am done with my rant for right now. Yuppie environmentalists get on my nerves because they are the way they are because it is trendy. Those of us who do this because it is who we are and the way we live without thinking about it are the true stewards of the earth. And by the way while I am making people angry... Global warming doesn't exist!! Research and find out the truth, the majority of true legitimate climate scientists will say that this is a hoax by the governments to steal more of our money and impose hefty carbon taxes. Now the people in Australia will be paying per toilet flush in environmental taxes. Wow, so sad that they bought the lie. Don't worry if you are a yuppie environmentalist, you can become a true environmentalist with a little help and knowledge. God bless and take care.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. Don't know why anyone would get upset by it, sometime it does need to be brought to peoples attentions that even though they think they are doing the right thing, they are in fact doing more harm.

Just Another Mama

Anonymous said...

Cheering! Stomping feet! Whistling! Clapping before I started typing!!!

Blessings from Ohio...

Kat said...

Thank you ladies, I am glad to see that I did not offend everyone. God bless.

Roger H Werner said...

I rarely get upset over blog posts. I mean there's little point since I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion. Here's my problem with your post. It come's off sound self righteous. My attitude on this topic is straightforward. Not everyone can live the life of an environmentally minded farmer. Does that mean that people should simply give up and not try? Another problem I've got with your posy is that you lay claim to knowing this individual's motives. Bottom line is you don't. I'' grant that the Yuppie environmentalist sounds an awful lot like a hypocrite. You criticism comes off sounding exceeding self righteous. I'm sure the yuppie environmentalist doesn't mean to be a hypocrite ant more than you mean to sound self righteous holier than thou. I have a suggestion: Christ one said he who is with fault cast the first stone. I make it a point to try not to criticize. If I can't find something positive to say then I simply keep my mouth shut.

Kat said...

Roger, I am terribly sorry that you are offended by the post. However, 4 years later I stick by what I said. My grandparents' generation was more environmentally friendly than any of the yuppie environmentalists of this day and age could ever hope to be...sustainable bamboo floors and all. And I get tired of hearing their self righteous diatribe so I thought I would inject some of my own diatribe which in reading the post wasn't really even about me or myself. Thanks though for your comment. Blessings, Kat