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“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pecan Pineapple Snacks

This is an easy recipe that I got out of The 30 minute Wheat Belly Cookbook. This is one of the best snack recipes ever. It is so easy and so quick and makes a good amount that lasts in the fridge for a couple of days provided the kids don't inhale them. Anyway here is the recipe:

2 cups ground pecans
8 oz. cream cheese
8 oz. drained crushed pineapple
1 tbls. xylitol
6 tbls. butter

Melt the butter and mix with the pecans. Mix in the xylitol. Then in a separate bowl mix the cream cheese and the pineapple. Use a large spoon, dip in the pecans and then mush the spoonful together while it is still on the spoon. This will pack it together solidly. Place on a cookie sheet that has been greased or lined with wax paper. Then place a spoonful of pineapple mix on top. Top with a whole pecan. When you have them all done, place in the refrigerator to chill. We had some for dessert after supper and then the rest were stored in a Tupperware container in the refrigerator for the next day. Like I said the kids loved them and they didn't last long after that. I adjusted this recipe just a bit from the cookbook to suit our tastes and to make the amounts come out a little more evenly. The first time I made these according to the cookbook I had a lot more pineapple mix than pecan bottoms. The first batch was also too sweet for us. If you want it to taste sweeter just add more xylitol. Blessings, Kat

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